Food Commons Projects

Valley Food Gardens (A local movement supported by Greyton Transition Town)

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  3. Valley Food Gardens (A local movement supported by Greyton Transition Town)
Part A: Food Commons Project Details
Description Of Activities:

The Greyton Transition Town (GTT) has launched a food security initiative for Genadendal, Bereaville, Voorstekraal, Heuwelkroon and Greyton, called the Valley Food Gardens, to boost vegetable production in our valley. It is led by Marshall Rinquest, the GTT Director, who has years of experience in supporting permaculture and community-based food gardens in schools and households.

Key aspects of the Initiative:

  • Five community-based Hubs have developed, one in each town in the Valley, based with existing successful growers;
  • The Hubs are supplying seedlings, compost/manure and support “packs” to members (households), including those receiving food parcels;
  • The 800 vulnerable families who have received Red Cross food parcels since March have received seedling vouchers for 40 healthy and diverse vegetable seedlings to produce their own veggies;
  • The Hubs will be developed over time, with training and coaching into sustainable businesses, based on permaculture principles;
  • Pamphlets and short courses on pest control, composting etc are soon to be held;
  • Extra seedlings and compost/manure are being produced at the Ecolodge for sale to wealthier residents, to provide income to support the whole initiative;
  • In the next phase we will also support local small farmers to boost their production, set up more local marketplaces and a veggie-box subscription service.
Greyton Transition Town, South Africa 7233